UGH i suck at this blog thing and i thought i would do really good but i really am gonna try to do better this year just be patient with me.
Well i have gotten a few projects done since i last wrote i am posting pics to update.
PICS: The light blue cardigan i made for my friend Andrea's new baby boy Jackson.
The light pink cardigan is for my husband's friend baby girl due in Feb. the matching pink booties are for her too.
And my adorable son is wearing a hoodie a made for him, the hood turn out huge but it's still really cute and i am quite proud of it and everything i made. :)
Right now i am working on a project i have been forced into but lucky for that person (she knows who she is) i love her. its a basket/bag for her eeyore who needs a "home" to keep him safe oh his adventures and i and crocheting the circle for the bottom of the bag i figured it would be easier than trying to knit a bottom...well it is and it isn't i just can't get the hang of when to increase i haven't gotten that intuition yet. But i do plan on knitting up from the bottom i am no where close to being able to crochet the whole bag. I am hoping it turns out pretty good.
P.S. the dear, sweet person i am making this for is and experienced knitter and crocheter so i am hoping she likes the noticeably homemade look i am sure this bag will have :) I know no matter ho it turns out EEYORE WILL LOVE IT and he is the only audience i am worried about.
Eeyore is soooooooo excited - finally a bag for him to come to work with me :):):):):)
Not sure how excited he will be to be at work though ...
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