Monday, June 12, 2006

A story in pics...then i got chatty

Went to the park this morning and saw a golf ball IN the sidewalk.
We had a very windy day about a week and a half ago and we found this in our front yard. All that hard work! Birds are amazing!
I finished a ankle sock this afternoon and plan to cast-on for the next one tonight! turned out super cute. i need to work on my grafting. I used a Knit Picks sock yarn-can't remember which one :( but i can tell you next time.
We went to the Marsh last Monday and i took some friends. Fleegle was in his natural habitat. Eeyore liked it too but he had a tumble in the dirt and after that wasn't very pleased to be at the Marsh. But we had a great time and Aidan LOVED all the geese!!!
I havent worked on Orangina-it takes a lot of my concentration and lately i have wanted to do something simple. Remember the Eeyore bag??? well i finally finished the horribly long straps and had and emergency meeting with my mom and now she has the bag. Not sure what the next step will be but let's just say some Issues came up. I have to mail out my One Skein pals package. I have decided to put a gift of woolite in the box since the yarn :( STINKS :( i feel so bad i tried to freshen it up other ways but the odor is so strong. Ho HUM... i hope she won't hate me!! It should make her laugh! Unlike other pals who will open their box and instantly see their wonderful yarn she will have to take it out of the 5 bags i have it wrapped in so it doesn't stench up the other goodies i got her. I have learned a big lesson here!!!!!!! Have to get little man ready for bed!! Goodnight everyone!!


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