
All done and i have 2 noticable boo-boos. Can you see them? I finally have someting to post on the MDK knitalong :)
I will be taking a short knitting break and working on another bracelet for my mom. We are going on a weekend trip and i would rather not have to schlepp a extra bag for yarn and stuff. I know... What kind of knitter am I? But i havent felt like concentrating on Orangina and i don't know what i want to start next. Maybe Christmas stuff... have the vacation to think about it. Be back next week.
Pics as promised
My knitting break project-a quick and simple bracelet. Because of the zigzag design once it get wet it dries with the curlies pointing out but i actually like it. Makes it look spiky :)

Finished anklets that i washed in hot water today--i have yet to assess the damage :( :( I made them in Knit Picks sock garden yarn. Color-Hydrangea. I used size 2 DP's.

And i started a Mason-Dixon "Warshcloth" I made a small mistake right when i started the 3rd row it says to slip the yarn purl-wise which i learned meant with the yarn in front "as if to purl" but it was wrong but i decided not to go back to fix it-it isn't that big of a deal and it is a washcloth, i will just remember for the other rows and the next washcloth.
I am watching
Broken Trail right now, recommended by a friend and it is actually really good. It has Thomas Haden Church, i saw him in
Sideways. Kinda weird seeing him Broken Trail since the only other movie i have seen him in is Sideways, which i loved and found very funny! So back to my movie i go.
Not much...my room and a friendship bracelet
The progress of my room is very slow. i have had the wallpaper off for almost a month and today Honey helped me take out the carpet and the tack boards--well actually he did all of it i swept up everything at the end.
I finished my anklet socks and have even worn them tomorrow they will have their first washing. i will have a pic and more info next time.
I am trying to think of what i want to knit my One Skien Secret Pal. And i mailed her stuff out a week ago so she should have gotten it or be getting it soon. I hope she likes it. This whole Swap stuff is harder than i thought it would be mainly because you worry about what to get your pal and if she will like it. I haven't gotten anything from my pal yet but she did say that she was in the middle of moving and in a new job so i will be getting my stuff later.
I havent wanted to start a new knitting project because i still have Orangina on the needles and i have to start my secret pal's project so i made a Friendship bracelet for myself. turned out really cool! i will add a pic next time too i have just been Blog lazy so i wanted to at least have a small update!
I am off to snack and watch a movie on Woodstock and look for knitting ideas :) i was thinking about finally making a Mason-Dixon washcloth!!!
I got a Vintage mini suitcase at a garage sale today its super cute and only 2 bucks. Little things make me very happy :)
A story in pics...then i got chatty
Went to the park this morning and saw a golf ball IN the sidewalk.

We had a very windy day about a week and a half ago and we found this in our front yard. All that hard work! Birds are amazing!

I finished a ankle sock this afternoon and plan to cast-on for the next one tonight! turned out super cute. i need to work on my grafting. I used a Knit Picks sock yarn-can't remember which one :( but i can tell you next time.

We went to the Marsh last Monday and i took some friends. Fleegle was in his natural habitat. Eeyore liked it too but he had a tumble in the dirt and after that wasn't very pleased to be at the Marsh. But we had a great time and Aidan LOVED all the geese!!!

I havent worked on Orangina-it takes a lot of my concentration and lately i have wanted to do something simple. Remember the Eeyore bag??? well i finally finished the horribly long straps and had and emergency meeting with my mom and now she has the bag. Not sure what the next step will be but let's just say some Issues came up. I have to mail out my One Skein pals package. I have decided to put a gift of woolite in the box since the yarn :( STINKS :( i feel so bad i tried to freshen it up other ways but the odor is so strong. Ho HUM... i hope she won't hate me!! It should make her laugh! Unlike other pals who will open their box and instantly see their wonderful yarn she will have to take it out of the 5 bags i have it wrapped in so it doesn't stench up the other goodies i got her. I have learned a big lesson here!!!!!!! Have to get little man ready for bed!! Goodnight everyone!!
Time Flys
Just a quick post to say i am still here i just didnt realize how long it had been since i last wrote. A few new things to post and talk about ...Hopefully i can tomorrow!!!